Friday, March 23, 2012

Mid City Mobilize!

I've been down in New Orleans for a little over a week now. Today I find myself writing a resume for the first time in four years, which sucks, but I'm trying to have a little fun with it. I think I'm going to set some roots here for a bit. I feel more motivated than I have in months down here, playing more music, building raised beds for Dan and Lauriana (tomatoes, jalapenos, zuchinni, lemon basil, spinach, thyme, and chives, for now) and feel generally excited by everything around me, which is a feeling I haven't had in a long time. I have begun to navigate the streets not based on their names but by the flowers in people's front yards ( I need to get a book on identification). So many flowers are in bloom right now, and they are all so damn beautiful. There is an incredible yellow vining one that takes over abandoned houses and covers them in luscious yellow flowers.
I have found a listing called NOLADIY that lists all the shows, and all the free classes in the area. Loyola has one every week, so I plan on going to those soon ( next week is critiques of capitalism!). They have an immense library there too, which has so many good books its hard to comprehend.
I've gone down to the french quarter a few times so far, seen some great bands, stumbled back home at 6 in the morning, had some crazy nights and fallen in and out of love with several southern bells in rapid succession. My heart melts for that damn accent, and it'll be the death of me. I've danced my ass off. Saint Patrick's day was really stupid. The shriners had these little hot rods with cop sirens blasting off them, and they were throwing beads and cabbages, and I saw breasts on Bourbon St., and that was really upsetting for some reason. I guess I feel the exchange of breasts for cheap plastic beads is really sad. Bourbon Street is a pretty sad place. Me and Ben went to the racetracks and played the slot machines for a few minutes, which was awful. Everything in there is so damn shiny and all the machines make the worst jangly noises and make really crazy colors. I managed to lose twenty bucks in a very rapid succession, and had to run out of the place to avoid spending more cash. Ben made 25 bucks, which only made it worse. Bastard. I guess I can cross a couple things off the bucket list this week.
Anyways, this is all over the place, and I'm not really sure what to say right now. It's hot and sunny and beautiful and I've been sitting in this great coffeeshop drinking iced coffee all day, trying to get shit done.I'll try to update this weekly, and get some pictures up soon enough, but for now, hope you enjoy reading my new and improved blog.